This is how school started...

In my head Secondary School was a book filled with blank pages , just waiting to write my new life in. All the bullies from Primary school were all but gone, no one knew of my fem past -I was a new person. Completely 'normal'. During the registration process, i met up with a couple guys from Primary school I guess moving from a one building school to this huge multi building, multiple story school had us all a bit scared ,so trying to cling on to some sort of familiarity we became fast friends. Each one of these guys did tease me at one time of the other,especially the one called Matthew he was the worse amongst the bunch but somehow here we were enemies....scared of a common element,ended up talking and laughing like best of buds.

Assuming that we were all going into the same class, we headed to the auditorium better known as the hall. Soon they were calling out the names of each student for each class, we were all separated, except of course me and Matthew..just my luck. We were placed in the same class. being the anti social dove i am, it was awkward sitting there among all those new faces, each one of us sitting with a somber look , Matthew came into the class room after i had gotten there and asked if he could sit, what other choice did i have...i said sure. We were silent , the occasional glance was exchanged , sometimes him pointing out a guy or girl he knew walking through the corridor. You see the school was situated about 6 houses away from Matthew's residence,therefore he was familiar with alot of the students.That was the last time Matthew and i were ever going to be anything close to friends.

The first day of school, Matthew had already made friends over the summer... a couple of the boys from the class lived in the neighbourhood. I was alone siting at my desk, when this huge guy, well compared to myself asked if he can sit next to me. I dare not say no. Bell rang , and our form teacher came in- sat down to the usual business of introducing the concept of secondary school, to us...then through the door came the most wonderful sight of my friends from Primary school...Vijesh...he got a transfer. I didn't feel so alone, he sat in the front desk, The teacher, started switching students around....yup...Vijesh was placed next to me. So far the first day of school was going good. That's until after lunch when we experienced our first ever free period. the guys including myself gathered on one side of the room, talking , laughing about cartoons, sports, movies - then the subject of girls came up and each of us were asked to pick a girl who we would like to date. When my turn came up I picked dreamy Rianna , i spoke to her briefly during lunch time and was completely smitten. This some how struck a chord with Matthew , he was apparently in love with her....I don't recall how the confrontation happened, its sort of blurry...i remember him saying, "a girl like you can't like she" which some of the other guys replied "how yuh cud call d man a guyl" then Matthew blurted out " he used to dance in school and thing , a big guyl"...something snapped inside me...I wasn't about to let Matthew throw ink all over my blank pages...i grabbed him my the collar and slammed him into the chalkboard, jacking him up...he struggled , but my rage had given me power i didn't know i had, the class made an up roar , at the same time the dean was passing. you can guess what happened next , I was sent straight to the principals office ..on the first day of school for fighting, I was so scared...luckily the principal was in a good mood- i was given a stern warning and sent back.When i there everyone was staring at me I felt so alienate, sitting down in my chair I buried my head into my book bag. Vijesh put his head on the desk next to mines and whispered...ha ha ha Matthew is an ass. I smiled. It made me feel better.

Matthew and i were sworn enemies from that day. I was elected as perfect of the class, and i think it was because of that fight.Matthew was even more hell bent of destroying me. He told any and everyone about my fem behavior in primary school, brought up stories of how they made fun of me , how i would cry, he was vomiting my primary school life to everyone, some people believed, some didn't. In secondary school i wasn't totally butch , there was a small part of me that was still fem, but i tried my utmost to control it, it can usually be seen when i was angry or excited, the hand gestures would just burst out of the woodwork. Form one I made alot of friends, Vijesh and i grew closer and was virtually inseparable. My crush was still Rianna, she and i would sit during lunch and any free periods we would get.This killed Matthew much to my delight. I didn't have any gay crushes, or thought about boys in any way besides being friends. I thought i was straight , I liked girls but the future had other plans. Next chapter forms 2&3.....


Anonymous said...

Where is Matthew today?

I wonder if he wasn't dealing with other issues?

The Blue Wolf said...

I saw Matthew last year shopping for Christmas, he didn't recognize me. Maybe he was dealing with his own issues like all of us do, sadly to me he will always be the bully.

Fiyu Pikni said...

When I was going to High School, I to convinced myself that the end of Primary School marked the end of my effeminacy and subsequent rejection by my peers. I walked into the school yard though, and everything fell back into place. All my old friends, how people had come to perceive me... and the ridicule ensued.

Year after year I swore to reinvent myself, without success. It wasn't until form 4 that I learnt to just be happy with me, and ignore everyone else.

Every child seeks acceptance from their peer hurts when it isn't given.

I too liked girls. I never once considered that I was gay... In Jamaica, out of sight, out of mind. It just wasn't an option. It's still hard to believe that I am a gay Jamaican, because being gay is counter to everything I was taught as a child. Sexuality, I guess, is stronger than the will.

Angie said...

lol@ being class prefect

as everyone else i guess, i thought that secondary school wud be a fresh start wer i can take made me a slave to the norms of society...

important thing is we wake up