Ms Universe

BWDMC wrong with them judges La Toya is a bess darkie and not even in the top 15? Brrrrr? None the less my sister did us proud and we will welcome her home with open arms and smiling faces. Not a single brown skin girl in the top 15, i know that will cause alot of talking in the days to come, I however think if you got the brains and the beauty it doesn't matter the color of your skin. Good luck to the new Ms Universe 2010, as for us here in Trinidad we are super proud, we had not one but 2 of our lovely ladies appear on international Tv tonite. Wendy Fitzwillam and La Toya Woods....I mean which other country can say that eh :)


I just want to say in advance that i am in no way close to a writer. So you may find my punctuation, use of words, spelling etc to be off by miles. Its been a while since i sat and actually typed up something. So maybe as the days roll by I'll get better.

Here's hoping for the best :)


I have a current addiction to comics, yup I'm a geek :P. I've noticed in the past year that more and more gay characters are popping up in Marvel's superhero slate, am i complaining ? Of course not....but something about having them just crawl out of the woodwork makes me uneasy, maybe Marvel is trying to attract a wider audience, maybe they've finally realized that most of their readers are in fact gay or maybe its just that gays have alot more disposable income ....? Whatever the reason its great, I have something i can personally relate to....o yea the point of this post is to give you warning far in advance that you may find a comic review splattered somewhere across this blog :P


Dear God

Dear God,

Sometimes i forget, in the haste of life to thank you for all that you have bestowed upon me- my family, my friends, my job,my health thank you.
I wanna especially thank you for making me as i am. I used to curse you for making me gay, but now you and I both know i have come to accept my sexuality. Thank you for helping walk this path, for lighting my way through darkness (you know that there was alot of darkness)

Although i do not fully understand your plan for me, i am ready to serve in whatever way you see fit. Today i looked at my boyfriend, and every negative thing anyone has ever said about gays just dissipated into mist, cause if you did not love me god, you would not have allowed me to cross paths with such a wonderful human being. You belssed me with him and for that i am thankful.

Thank you.


I attended a Pride party last weekend , it was hott...Literally...the air conditioning broke none the less everyone had a blast. It was wonderful being there experiencing the energy. Everything was positive, full of excitement, full of joy.....Full of pride.

It filled me so much happiness that i was able to be myself there among everyone, dance with my with friends...just to be free...and then i began to wonder...why do we need these underground parties in order for us to feel comfortable in our own skins, to be free to express friendship and love....its so unfair that we are made to live like this just because we are born gay.

I didn't let this thought hamper my partying, i relished every song, every beat , every touch, every kiss on the cheek like i would never experience being this free again.At the end of it all i had a blast and made loads of friends. There is another party coming up in October I'm thinking of going that one also...I'm sort of excited ..:)

Hello Vast Internet

How long has it been? I've lost track of time, I'm unsure whether anyone reads my blog but none the less i write for -me -to unleash my emotions upon the pages of this blog. I've got some good news....I'm going to bitch less about the trauma of the past, in these months gone by I've talked to god and in his way he answered me ...and i think I'm finally as healed as i can be.

Of course there is going to be the odd nightmare or flashback I'm expecting it but honestly I'm not going to let it stop me from living my life.I feel so free like the heavy shackles of the past that have enslaved me for so long have finally been broken, and I'm now free to move forward. You all can't believe how light i feel....its so magical :)

I'll try to update as much as possible from now on.