Gays:1 Str8ies: A big fat zero

Once again the "faggit" discussion came up in the office. Fags- this, bullerman- that, o I'm a str8 guy and all the gays want me....then all of a sudden boom! the kitchen door literally slams open, the mother of the office ( our much older, but extremely hyper administrator) bursts thorough the door. Scene one

Admin: Wah allyuh talking about and laughing like a bunch of skets here?
Guys: Nothing
Admin: So allyuh mad or something?
Guys: Nah we just saying how them bullerman getting brave these days, they all over the place
Admin: And whats the problem with that? Ent they are people too?
Guys: Me aint want that chupidness coming round me
Admin: And who say anyone of them will come around you ( some of the guys burst out in laughter including me )
Guys: Stupes, them going to hell yes
Admin: eh eh eh wah you saying there? Let me tell you something,Gay people is the best kind of people. I had a gay boss and that man was the most beautiful person i ever meet in my life. And yuh see how old i am ( shes 64) That man woulda give he life for you or the last dollar from his pocket, everybody who meet him love him. So don't be disrespecting gay people, its not their fault they are like that. They are people to.
Guys: Yea but doh come around me with that dotishness
Admin: Boy i am telling you no one will come around you, but i have to say eh, some of them really ridiculous with the bacchanal behaviour in POS, but don't kill all for some. They are people too.
Guys: Screwing up their face
Admin: And doh let meh come down here and hear allyuh bad talking meh people again eh ( she then leaves the room)
Guys: Wah really wrong with she eh, they then start to talk about Jack Warner.

She said everything i was too scared to say, and put all them assholes in their place. HAHAHA. Score one * does awkward dance*


SunSoakerB said...

HA!! Love this. Don't you just love it when someone nobody will dare disrespect says exactly what you want to say?

Anonymous said...

Trinidad surprises!
But "kill them dead" every gay man likes them!

naturgesetz said...

Good for her!

Especially great that she had a personal experience to tell about to make her point.