And the beat goes on and on...

I'm on MSN Saturday night, unfortunately frustrated at my life. KathyAnn comes online

Her: I get that you are angry at me
Her: But i am sorry about our last conversation
Her: I just let my anger get the most out of me
Her: I felt like you were attacking my religion and I had to defend it
Her:When you cursed me, i just lost it
Her: We were both wrong and i hope we can get pass this and move on to how we used to be
Me: Hello
Me: I was not attacking your religion, i was speaking generally.
Me: You really hurt me with the things you said
Me: I am also sorry that i curse you, but you threaten to tell my parents, i just lost it also
Me: Right now i am going through some serious crap with my bf, and this isn't the best time for us to sort out our issues
Her: We have issues? I thought it was just this
Me: Yea we do, but now really isn't The greatest time to discus it
Her: But we are ok right?
Me: I dunno, we will see how it goes
Her: Ok if you wanna talk i am here for you, like you have always been there for me
Me:I'm tired of defending myself
Her: What do you mean?
Me: Nothing, i gtg need to shave
Her: OK, well if you need to talk i am here.
Me: I am tired of defending the fact that i am gay, you think i chose to be this way , and its not a choice
Her: Some people choose
Me: I don't want to get into this discussion again
Me: You wont believe the crap i Had to go through my whole life, and then to have my closest friend attack me in such a way really hurt
Her: We all have to go through stuff you know, i went thru stuff too
Me: I understand that, I understand every one has their own battle to fight
Me: But when people who you think have your back, just don't- it hurts
Her: I said i am sorry, let just move on from this
Me: We still have to discuss it, but i really need to go
Her ok
Her: ok njoy your nite

I'm in a dilemma, should i forgive KA put this behind us and move on? Should i allow her back into my life, when i saw the homophobic beast rear its ugly head. I don't know what to do. I could never hold on to anger for long, i am however very good at saying " to hell with that".....dilemma.


Anonymous said...

I think as you rightfully said, you should sit down and really discuss things. She appears to be genuinely concerned about you and sorry. I say forgive her!!

Anonymous said...

Roll out the issues wagon, beat it and after the dust has settle see if you can still get back on it and ride.

Sometimes the best relationships split and it hurts like shit but reality is a bitch and sometimes i think we're either the tool delivering the pain or the person receiving it.