I dreamed a dream

The day was hot,the night was no different. It was like an oven in my room...my small lasko fan spinning uncaring from one side of the room to the other....disbursing the hot air, giving little relief to me. i lay in my bed , nothing particularly solid in my head, slowly dozing off into a hot uncomfortable sleep. Suddenly i was swept back to my 10 year old body, lying- pinned down on the floor, unable to move my hands or feet,i scream but alas no sound permeates the still room.Slowly a figure appears forming from smoke over me..his hands , his body, his smirk, zombie was over me holding me down....desperate now, i struggle with all my might but to no avail. Zombie is fully formed now over me, naked he leans in closer i can feel his hot breath against my cheek , he whispers...."I'll fucking kill you if yuh tell anyone" ....I woke up in such a fright, dripping with sweat, scared and confused...making my way out of bed ,i slowly open the door to the back yard.....glimpsing the clock, its 12.45am, i make my way to my favorite spot, the cool air cuts sharply against my drenched body, clad only in my underwear and vest, i sit on the bench and look up at the stars. The stars seem to bring me more comfort than anything else,i feel small looking up at them, in the back of my mind, a small voice comforts me...its says...its not that bad.I quickly feel cold,and yearn for the comfort of my hot room, the dogs begin to bark....i sleek away into my room before my parents wake up. i can't fall asleep . I'm too scared.


Doomed But Cheerful! said...

Listening, my friend.
G =]

Pilgrim said...

Take faith in yourself if not in God. You seem too charred to not search an adjoining soul, Keep heads up! Propz Pilgrim

naturgesetz said...

How terrible that the horror lives on even after the assaults have ended.

The Blue Wolf said...

Healing will happen..i hope :)