
Looking back now my childhood was not a very happy one.I had alot more downs than ups....i tried my best in school , i didn't have much friends and i was a very angry individual.I still am sometimes. I don't know how to summarize it , i guess i'll have to hit the memories that still bother me up to today...and see how that goes.....


Anonymous said...

Take you time man.
You don't have to say it all at once.

I have not even finished telling my own story--and I have been blogging since last October or so.

Just break it up into pieces and keep adding to it as memories come back. Start from the beginning.

By the way, Trinifella's blog is if you have not found it as yet. There is another guy who I forget right now.

Keep writing man!

John Doe said...

Hi Guy,

I read your post and I guess I somehow understand your hurt. I too was abused but was so ashamed to ever talk about it. And I decided to write a blog...somehow you give me the courage to tell my story...which I will, one memory at a time...

Keep Gud :)

j said...

Ah. I read your blog and I must say I am touched. I know things can be difficult, life always is, but you need to remember good things happen and good thing will come.

I am well, you know, not straight too. Every single night, the last thoughts that go through my mind is why I am I the one who has to be different?

I really enjoyed reading what you've told us, and I can assure you many others will too - all of which will be there for you. It might sound strange to read that, but these people you meet through their words and posts, you learn a lot about the world and more importantly, yourself.

Keep your head up my friend,

The Blue Wolf said...

@A. friend: I'll try my best to cleanse my soul of my darkness though writing

@John Doe: I am honored that i gave you the encouragement, if you need to talk drop me a line

@Johnathan: Thnks for the words