Be A Good Person , Be a good person

Something weird is happening to me right now, not physically but events-wise...okay let me get down to the meat of it ...suddenly everyone wants to have sex with me...:/ No lie! As you may have gathered from this blog, when i look at myself in the mirror I see something that Animal Planet should have a documentary on....but i've been getting weird offers from "friends" to well basically meet for a suck and fuck...all these people know im involved...there's that no respect for relationships thing again.

I'm no saint, but i will seriously be filled with guilt if i do take up any one of these offers, although a small part of me wants to but i must be strong and not give into temptation.

What was my point? *head slap* i always seem to lose the point of my posts...o yea..feels awesome to be wanted like this, but did i just wake in an alternative timeline where morals have all disappeared along with STDs? Why is lust so difficult to control? I myself have struggled with controlling this wild horse called lust, and yes a couple times it got the better of me, but I'm trying sooo hard to be a good person.