
Why is it whenever I'm in a depressed mood, all the bad things that happened to me comes flooding back, gushing to the forefront of my brain? Once that happens i keep spiralling down until a small voice in my head snaps me back to reality. I don't like to be depressed, i don't like depressed people....ummm i should rephrase that , depression is a normal part of being human and like myself i expect everyone to fall victim to it ever so often, what i don't like however are people who use their depression as an attention gatherer , you know the whiny ones who can only sing one song " no one likes me, I'm nothing , pay attention to me or I'll die", the ones who do not even make any sort of effort to lift themselves out of it, the ones that ENJOY being depressed. I don't enjoy the company of people like that.

Moving on-- during one of my depressed spates I've noticed that i no longer beat myself up about being gay, i no longer want to cause myself pain cause I'm attracted to guys, i no longer wish i was dead because of it. Its weird that i've reached a point in my life where i am finally comfortable in my own skin, comfortable with my sexuality (but not that comfortable to finally admit it to my family or friends) be continued


Angie said...


10 kisses

love the way u turn it around