Rape Dream

Last night i witnessed a scene in my head, i was floating above it in a dimly lit room, the only light coming from a single yellow light bulb shining down on my seemingly unconscious body.Around me huge muscular men were taking their turns doing me, their faces hidden in the dark. I was scared and repulsed...was i dead?

The scene shifts , I'm now sitting in the living room, my dad clearly angry he pops a DVD into the player , on the TV the previous scene comes up. I thought he would kill me instead , he vowed to find the people so that they wouldn't do it to anyone else

The scene shifts once again, I'm walking towards my room upon entering i notice the same men sitting on my bed, they hold me down, i scream out...i yell at them that the police are on their way. The biggest guy drags me by the collar he sniffs at my neck like an animal, he whispers that I'll have to get them all out of here or else he will kill my entire family. I quickly agree. I'm scared. He pushes me out my room and has one of his pals follow me.

I walk outside, enemy behind  , there's a party going on, my friends are there, my family, i lead him through rows and rows of chairs, i see my cousin ...i make small talk with him- my eyes pleading -when i realize he's not taking the hint, i ask him if he's looking for this broom handle ( one is leaning on the wall) he looks at me puzzled, i quickly whisper that the guy behind me is trying to kill me. He snaps the broom handle in 2 and shoves the sharp part into the guys stomach, blood flows everywhere , the guy slumps down. My brother and sisters approach asking whats the matter, i fill them in. They told me go back to my room and bring out another.

I do as i am told, this time the biggest guy sends out 2 people with me. I walk quickly ahead then I spin around, pushing one of the guys into my brother who easily snaps his neck, in the mean time my sisters were gouging out the eyes of the other guy, who was screaming relentlessly, until my brother also breaks his neck

We all walk back to my room, my cousin kicks in the door, the biggest guy and another guy are sitting on the bed waiting for me, the smaller guy attacks my sister, everyone jumps on him, my eyes catches the boss- he laughs , my brother jumps on him, the guy is huge , he punches my brother in the face, my brother bites off his ear...entirely...then i hear drums...my brother is no longer there ...instead i see one of my Hindu gods...Kali Ma...she rips off the guys head...the scene shifts...I'm in a field...before me Kali Ma is dancing the guys head clasped in her hand, his spine swinging freely about...I awake with a startle...Scared and Happy at the same time.

In this dream I'm literally saved by my family, and in the end god...It pretty much sums up my life.