
Of course wolves don't hibernate, but being a Blue wolf sometimes has it perks...I've been down and out... things occurred...stuff blew up ( not literally though) and i ran into the forest like any good wolf would do, now that the coast is clear .. i smell no danger, I'm back up and writing.

I've been giving some serious thinking as to what direction my blog should take, i don't want it to be entirely about my bad experiences and memories, believe me i have alot...writing about it makes me feel better , seeing it down on paper like that really- in some weird way gives me closure. It may not make sense but at the end of the day when i get my thoughts out I feel better , as if i can move forward.

What direction do i point then? I guess this will become my life blog the good, the bad and the furry. Just be warned I'm not very eloquent with my words so be prepared for novice blogging.


Pilgrim said...

Hey´a! Welcome back, Wolf! Hope your times weren´t too hard. Propz Pilgrim

naturgesetz said...

I hope blogging about things will be useful for you.

It's good to see you back.

The Blue Wolf said...

Thanks guys for the warm welcome back :)